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In partnership with the University of Northamptonshire and the Horner Foundation, Adrenaline Alley has been involved in the creation of an Emoji Course targeted at those aged 13 to 17. This Course is the second phase of a three-year WinWin Project plan to aid teenagers’ recognition of how improving social skills can enhancing future quality of life.

If you are aged 13 to 17, please click the link below to have a go at the course yourself!

The course uses a storytelling approach to deliver the main message of how important social, reading and writing skills will be for a teenager’s future. It gives examples of potential problems through a series of multiple-choice questions that use a mixture of text and emojis.


This is the first of a series of mini courses, yet to be released, that will ultimately offer a path for teenagers to reach out for help from the right places.

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